Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Getting back on track.

Okay, enough with the depressing crap and cheesy online quizzes. (Although that last one made me howl laughing.) Celebration IV, people. Most of my good friends in the Garrison can't plan their way out of a paper bag (God love them), so it will likely fall to the ladies to make sure it all comes off in the optimum way.

I made an inquiry about a tour bus to take us all, so we don't all have to drive. If we filled the bus, it'd be about a hundred bucks apiece for everyone to ride. Don't know if I could get enough bodies at that rate. Of course, if my accountant weren't giving me such fits about my write-offs for the Garrison, I'd just "donate" it. Why can't I just have a free week wherein I could start that 501(c)(3) to "unofficially support" the work we do? Damn and blast.

Anyway, in what might be the second-best news of the week, my mother has expressed interest in coming to C-IV so I can (1) bring my kids and (2) be free to party like a rock star with my homies while she takes them to the pool and stuff when they get bored with the convention. I also told her I might dress her like Mon Mothma, and when I tried to explain who that was, she said, "I don't care who it is, I'm in."

My mom rocks.

I'm also going to lobby for my brother John to do Han Solo, and dress his girlfriend Martha as some version of Leia. Between the three of them, a Jedi outfit for my older brother Paul, and costumes for both of my kids, I should be keeping the Sewing Goddess busy for ohh . . . the next year.

I've also talked to Bitch Two about appearing as a Bespin version of Leia with her very-hot and very-suave Black husband as Lando. Of course, if they bring their son, it'll look like Leia and Lando were hittin' it and had a secret love child. SWEET.

My problem will be having enough days to do all of my costumes by that point, if the plans go as I'd like. I'll have my Mara, of course, but I plan to have an Isard (have to talk to Maulrat about colored contacts) and the aforementioned Mandalore Battle Chick done by then as well. You know how I know the Mandalorian one will be done? Because Pirate Chickie and Sewing Goddess are organizing it, and I swear, they could put the 82nd Airborne on the road, fully stocked and loaded, without breaking a sweat. The guys will probably still be putzing around with their Republic Commando armor the week before, and we'll already have formal portraits done.

Speaking of which, I've emailed SW Chick and started to make arrangements for her to come and stay at my place to take formal pics for the Garrison. Never a dull moment!


Anonymous said...

As long as I don't have to "putz" with the Mando stuff too much, the RC's should not be a problem. Oh wait, we've got to put all the GUYS in that stuff, too. I guess I'll see you in 4242's metal shed pullin' plastic in August! BOOYA! ;)

Anonymous said...

100 creds a pop for a shuttle to C4? Count me in. Better then having to sit in 2035's speeder all the way there listening to him singing Goerge Thouroughgood tunes.......again.

MJAZ said...

LOL OMG...the 82 Airborne!? You give me too much credit, but you bet your ass we'll be the best damned Mando unit in the world!