Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Too good.

I absolutely love the fact that I posted about the ability to comment, and within hours, both people whom I'd mentioned had comments. That's just awesome.

I've been spending a lot of time in the last couple of days pondering friendship, and how if you look at different sets of friends that you have throughout your life, it can tell you about who you were at that point. I'm back in touch with a very dear friend of mine whom I've missed greatly over the last several years, and it's been kind of fun to remember the things we did and the trouble we stirred up. She was, and undoubtedly still is, beautiful and intelligent and witty and bold and fearless, and I was always a little in awe of her. On a broader scale, I've realized that I've had a number of girlfriends like that over the years . . . Julie Lane, Bitch One, The Dark One, Naugh-T (as her license plate on her old Trans Am read), Bitch Two . . . There's obviously something in that personality type that draws me, and helps me feel more fearless and bold and surer of myself. I wanted to be that, so hanging out with it helped me . . . I don't know.

On a less-complex note, we did a fundraiser down in Coolidge the other day. It was pretty cool hanging out with the Pinal County Sheriffs. Persons familiar with the group can probably tell by my height that I'm on the left . . . heh. I'm starting to enjoy being places in armor and taking the helmet off, and seeing that moment of surprise when the people around me see my face. There was a troop of prepubescents sitting there, and I rolled up to them with the helmet on and offered to let one of them try out my gun. They were stoked just at that.

Then I took my helmet off. One of them said, "Whoa, you're a chick."

Then I asked them if they played Battlefront, which led to a lengthy discussion of the best type of troop for the different planets, and what different medals you can win . . .

By the end of it, I could see that I was (for that moment) the embodiment of their perfect woman. Heh. Granted, it's not hard to charm a bunch of 13 and 14 year olds, but it was amusing nonetheless.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More info, for the record.

Up until recently, I thought I was locked into the Blogspot thing where you have to have a blog to comment on other people's blogs.

To my great pleasure, I found the place where I could select the "let anyone comment on your blog" option. I don't know where I found it, and I doubt I could again.

Moral of the story, you can now comment to your heart's content if you feel so inclined. In 2035's case, I'm not so sure that's a good thing. KIDDING.

It's only a not-good thing in The Dark One's case. Heh. LOVE YOU, WIFE!!!

My nuggets.

My boy.

My girl.

The best endeavors, the best adventures, absolutely the best choices I've ever made.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This made me laugh.

Since I seem to be in the mood to do quizzes of late, I punched "purity test" into Google. This site came back, which completely rolled me. The wide array of subjects that *someone* out there thought merited a "purity test" astounded me. What the title should be is "Find the subject on which *your* interest borders on OCD."

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another quiz.

I'm a Talent!

You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life.

Talent: 51%
Lifer: 31%
Mandarin: 44%

To take this test, click here.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

A good weekend.

Hanging with my buds at the end of the VERY LONG walk, but it all benefitted MS research, so it was worth it.

And Wee Man's good buddy Zach was having a birthday, so I borrowed 4242's clean gear and made an appearance. All the kids dug it.

Friday, April 07, 2006


I'm a Ferrari 360 Modena!

You've got it all. Power, passion, precision, and style. You're sensuous, exotic, and temperamental. Sure, you're expensive and high-maintenance, but you're worth it.

If you want to see what kind of car YOU are, click here.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Radio gig for the MS Walk

Well, as per usual for my encouters in-studio, Radio Boy managed to put me so at ease that I was totally relaxed, in spite of the number of people who were probably listening. The fact that I suffer from some stage fright when I have an audience (other than Spouse and Rugrats) still surprises people who know me. I liken it to 4242, who is usually very quiet and reserved, unless he's (1) full of alcohol, and/or (2) in the Trooper mask. Under the right circumstances, I can be very chatty and sparkly, but in the wrong circumstances, I get very shy.

Shy, from a chickie whose assigned job in the Garrison is "Wear the leather".

It's all about the venue.

Anyway, Radio Boy did his thing and I felt totally at ease, and we got some very good promotion for the Garrison and the Walk.

I forgot to ask him if we could get a recording of the thing for the Garrison archives, which kind of sucks and I'm sure 2035 will be disappointed. Ah, well. I'm just way way lucky to have Radio Boy as a friend. He has this tendency to come through for me when I need him, and that's a vastly underrrated quality.

It's good that The Dark One didn't catch the show, because she would have been screaming at the radio in her car and might well have wrecked in the process. Bad news for the second day of work, for sure. In addition to being gorgeous and wonderfully well-educated, articulate, and persuasive, she is also a true to-the-bone liberal. She laughingly says that she's so liberal that most liberals don't even want to claim her as part of their party. Suffice it to say, then, that the discussion of the immigration issue would have worked her up--just a touch.

I'll retrieve the picture I took of Radio Boy in "ranting pose" inside the studio and post it next.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I am a slacker.

I might as well just face that fact. Sad but true.

In my own defense, work has been a rather . . . textured . . . experience recently. It would seem that my ailing mentor is not making the progress fighting his cancer that we would all have hoped, so I am beginning to despair of him ever returning to the professional realm. The larger looming issues with that do not bear examining.

We had a lovely trip to California with the kids, which included a jaunt to Disneyland. Mickey is well, and he sends his best.

This is the best-ever Snow White who told Wee Man that Star Wars is the Dwarves' favorite movie, they ask her to play it for them all the time, and that Dopey's favorite Jedi is Yoda.

Note the look of total adoration on my kid's face.

"No way! Snow White is a Star Wars fan!"

Anyway, the big MS Walk is coming up with the 501st. It's looking like I may get to do a radio gig with my buddy Bruce (as a very big, very excellent personal favor) sometime this week to pimp it. That's good news, because donations have been a little anemic.

If you want to check out Bruce's gig, click here.

I'm tired now, and the website isn't letting me upload what I want to. Sometimes, you just have to go to bed and try to start over tomorrow.