Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Still laughing.

Dig this piece of 13's latest on his most-excellent site.

Well, fans will finally get what they’ve been craving for years. A parade to honor the brave soldiers of the Empire! I say it’s about time that the Empire finally got some lovin’ from this little rock of yours, and on January 1st, 2007, you’ll be able to see it for yourself on national television. Troopers from all across the Galaxy are being brought in to represent their Units, and TK-2035, Mara Jen, and I are all going to be there to represent the Dune Sea. That’s right, kiddies, the ADPoV Troopers are going to be there! I couldn’t think of two better troopers to attend this galactic sized shindig with, and as for them? Well, obviously, they are speechless at the honor of travelling with me as my sidekick, and hot, red-headed Sithy love slave. Yup. Can’t say I blame them, as anyone would kill for such a thrilling experience. The part about hanging with me, of course… The Parade should be neat too, and I’m certain I’ll have a blast recieving the accolades to me that are far past over due.

Sithy love slave. Classic. Not too many guys in this galaxy or any other that would have the nads to call me that . . . the difference being, of course, that he can get away with it.

Got fitted for the DSG wench "uniform" the other night, as pictured in the prior post. Too cool. Pirate Chickie is tailoring them to fit each individual body style and chopping the dresses in half at the waist, which means that they'll actually fit and that having a different size on top and on the bottom isn't a problem. Mix and match. The Dark One and I will both be boobalicious, although *my* securing button isn't as tormented as hers. I think the men will be totally fixated on her button and taking bets as to how long until it pops. Hilarious. The skirts are also borderline indecently short, which The Dark One says makes my legs look *really* long. Freaking tragedy, there.

I may post some pics from the weekend in Denver. Nice city, I love my sister-in-law, but I don't do cold with any degree of skill or grace. That alone makes me think that I'll have to wear multiple suits of UnderArmor for Rose Parade. Then again, it was nice to be in a place where the concept of a fireplace is still understood.

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