Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More info, for the record.

Up until recently, I thought I was locked into the Blogspot thing where you have to have a blog to comment on other people's blogs.

To my great pleasure, I found the place where I could select the "let anyone comment on your blog" option. I don't know where I found it, and I doubt I could again.

Moral of the story, you can now comment to your heart's content if you feel so inclined. In 2035's case, I'm not so sure that's a good thing. KIDDING.

It's only a not-good thing in The Dark One's case. Heh. LOVE YOU, WIFE!!!


Anonymous said...

Listen up, Hoochie Wife!! It's ALWAYS a good thing when I get to post comments. Now there won't be any wondering who's reading your blog 'cause you'll know I've been here. HA!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree. For far to long have you lambasted me with no way to defend myself! KNOW THIS...I will be WATCHING!!! BOOHAHWHAHAHAW ;)