Sunday, April 02, 2006

I am a slacker.

I might as well just face that fact. Sad but true.

In my own defense, work has been a rather . . . textured . . . experience recently. It would seem that my ailing mentor is not making the progress fighting his cancer that we would all have hoped, so I am beginning to despair of him ever returning to the professional realm. The larger looming issues with that do not bear examining.

We had a lovely trip to California with the kids, which included a jaunt to Disneyland. Mickey is well, and he sends his best.

This is the best-ever Snow White who told Wee Man that Star Wars is the Dwarves' favorite movie, they ask her to play it for them all the time, and that Dopey's favorite Jedi is Yoda.

Note the look of total adoration on my kid's face.

"No way! Snow White is a Star Wars fan!"

Anyway, the big MS Walk is coming up with the 501st. It's looking like I may get to do a radio gig with my buddy Bruce (as a very big, very excellent personal favor) sometime this week to pimp it. That's good news, because donations have been a little anemic.

If you want to check out Bruce's gig, click here.

I'm tired now, and the website isn't letting me upload what I want to. Sometimes, you just have to go to bed and try to start over tomorrow.

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