Wednesday, September 19, 2007


It would seem that things in my life are changing significantly at a fairly fast clip, and I'm not altogether certain that I'll even recognize the net effects until much later.

I am losing weight. This is by design. Demon is training me (and yes, only I would have a trainer that's a demon) and it's different than other times that I've done a lot of exercise because I'm not doing a lot of cardio. As a result, instead of *everything* shrinking, I think I'm just getting curvier. Arms smaller, waist smaller, hips smoother . . . I will be interested to see how it all comes out. I'm trying to consider my new body to be a Christmas present to myself and use that as impetus to keep not drinking soda and stuff. Coming from someone who used to have Dr. Pepper flowing in her veins, that's a not-inconsiderable task.

Demon is also incredibly supportive and positive about the whole thing which makes it worlds easier. Granted, he abuses and mocks me when we're working out because he has to and it makes me laugh. I don't know *anyone* who could get away with referring to me as, "Pretty, but . . . just not that smart." That makes me howl laughing, which is why he does it.

Today was an interesting day because it was my 2-year anniversary of working for the Town. Hooray. It was also my first official time addressing the Council in a public meeting, since my boss had to conflict out of an issue. One of the parties involved tried to totally reinterpret the fact pattern to suit his purposes, and I happily corrected him and made sure the Council understood the real situation. Somewhere I hope that Bill is smiling. :)

It's also Guitar Boy's 38th birthday. I hope that whatever he's doing, he's found a measure of contentment, because that was a quality that seemed to consistently elude him.

I had a bad emotional night last week which culminated in me getting in my car and driving for a number of hours, like I used to do when I was younger. I haven't felt compelled to do that in a long time. I was feeling really great about this service project that I'm putting together through the Garrison and . . . then I got a message from He Who No Longer Loves Me, and it just ripped my heart out. He made it abundantly clear that he would help me with the project only out of responsibility to the Garrison, and in no way, shape, or form was it for me. Do I wish he couldn't still hurt me? Yes. Does that make it so? No. Time heals. I wish it would hurry up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't forgotten about the fact I'm very close to proving the embodiment of evil is behind the recent worldwide trend of global warming. Some hazy evidence has also come to my attention linking the foul beast to 9/11...I will not rest until this threat to humanity has been neutralized.