Saturday, September 08, 2007

Things I Learned Last Night.

Went out to celebrate Mini-Me's birthday, at Graham's Central Station. Learned some things.

1. Mini-Me is hilarious when she's drunk.

2. Demon's older brother Piano Boy is hilarious, period. And isn't nearly the badass that Demon would portray him as.

3. The fact that I'm ticklish is bad information for Mini-Me, Demon, and Piano Boy to have.

4. Spouse *really* likes SoCo shots with lime.

5. Mini-Me *really* dislikes having her camera stolen and used against her. Heh.

6. Demon is making me eat. For real. Or he'll punish me by not throwing me around anymore.

7. Spouse needs 3-4 shots of SoCo to start dancing.

8. Mrs. Maulrat dislikes being paparrazied in a dark bar.

9. Mini-Me equates "playing footsie" with "having sex in the bathroom of Denny's".

10. Never, ever be bratty to your personal trainer when you're sore from workouts, because he knows exactly where to punch you to make it hurt worse.

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