I'm sitting here, eating ice cream and pondering the happenings of the last several weeks. I'm not really sure what's noteworthy and what's not . . . regardless, I'll likely just wander wherever my concious thought leads me.
I'm worried about my baby brother.
I was finally made a full member of the 501st. It was all very strange . . . after carving out such a distinct personality in the Garrison that is so wrapped around Mara Jade, the first costume that was accepted by the Legion was . . . my Isard. That in and of itself was kind of a fluke as well. I originally submitted my application at CIII at the end of April, '05. It's kind of been in limbo since then. It got to the head membership officer of the whole 501st, and he had concerns about my belt--which, admittedly, isn't precisely canon. It's not grossly off, it's just got some problems. SL0704 pleaded my case to the higher-up and he didn't move from his original position, which was that I'd have to wait if I wanted to get in as Mara Jade.
I was upset. 0704 was puzzled. 13, however, was furious. He whipped off an email to the Legion officer that was scathing at best. Did that make me adore him more than I already did? Yes. It probably shouldn't have, but the fact remains . . . girls like me are seen to be very independent, completely capable of handling themselves and their affairs, and perhaps a little bit intimidating. The fact that it would even occur to anyone to defend me is so wonderfully chivalrous and old-school that it never fails to charm me. The psychology of that is probably brutally obvious and cliche, but it makes no difference.
Anyway, I ended up trading some emails with the Legion guy, and he kept insisting that the belt needed to be better. In the process, though, kind of on a lark, I sent him pictures of me in my Isard from Comic-Con. His response was to immediately pass me as Isard and leave my MJ costume "pending". I was okay with all of that--I know what it's like to be given a set of rules to enforce and getting a lot of grief over how you choose to enforce them. Then, in a lovely surprise, I looked on the Legion board and saw that he went ahead and listed me as a Sith Lord anyway . . . no, it didn't matter, really. I know my costume will be up to snuff ASAP and it'll be fabulous.
But did it make me happy in my heart of hearts? Yes. I love Mara Jade, and I love that I'm listed in the 501st rolls as a Sith Lord in addition to being an Imperial Officer.
And I love that I have friends who have my back.